honey mustard glazed carrots

Honey Mustard Glazed Carrots for One

It’s been a while since I posted a side dish, so I thought I’d fix that. Honey mustard glazed carrots are an easy and savory side dish that’s ready in just a few minutes.  The honey adds a hint of sweetness, while the mustard provides a bit of a kick. The carrots are really easy to prepare, but the dish feels fancy enough for company.

This side dish goes beautifully with a simply roasted piece of chicken.  Season it with olive oil, lemon, and rosemary, put it in the oven and then start the carrots about 20 minutes before the chicken is done.

Or, try them with a grilled lamb chop,  or a steak. This recipe would also be great with Thanksgiving turkey or a family holiday get-together (you’d obviously have to size up the quantities).

If you’re trying to eat more veggies, honey mustard carrots also go well with a grilled cheese sandwich for lunch.

I sliced the carrots in matchsticks, but you can make them whatever way suits you. If you’re in a hurry, use frozen carrots (which are pre-blanched and will cook faster than fresh ones will).

Another tip to speed up the process and make your life a bit easier: when you measure the honey, dip the spoon in water first.  It creates a barrier that  will keep the honey from sticking and make it easier to pour it into the saucepan.

Substitutions and Variations for Mustard Honey Glazed Carrots

  • If you don’t have honey, use brown sugar instead
  • Add some fresh rosemary to the carrots
  • Saute some shallots with the honey mustard mixture and then add the carrots back to the pan
  • Try roasting them in a 450 oven for 40 minutes with some parsnips

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